You ca use built in tool of VB6 or Scripting Runtime. This code open a file and write soemthing to it Fl=Freefile Open C:-file1.txt for Output as #fl write # ...
Use the WriteAllText method to write text to a file, specifying the file and text to be written. This example writes the line This is new text. to the file ...
This is how you can create a text file in VB6. Dim iFileNo as Integer iFileNo = FreeFile 'open the file for writing Open C:-Test.txt For Output As #iFileNo
It far easier to use the scripting runtime which is installed by default on Windows. Just go project Reference and check Microsoft Scripting Runtime and click ...
The recommended way to write to files in VB6 is also to use a stream. The thing is that you have to go outside the box and use a stream provided by a Windows ...
Can someone please help me to check for presence of a text file in VB 6.0 and creating the file if it does not exist. After this I want to write to the file.
It saves data from textbox to a text file problem is it first open txt file and then write data however when text file reaches +1mb, it slows down terribly.